Saturday, June 30, 2012

68% of Swazi's polled believe it is justified to kill your lover if they have cheated on you with someone else ... and a few other thoughts from me.

Life in Swaziland is complicated, yet in the same breath I can say that life in Swaziland is simple.  There doesn’t seem to be any small talk or conversations about the weather or who won the game last night.  Everything discussed is important, and it is usually directly linked to life or death. 

This week I learned that my mother, who has been a follower of Jesus her whole life, now believes that Jesus has forsaken her and left her to die alone.  She has cut off all prayer and communication with Him because he has abandoned her.  She wants a gun so she can end her life, but refuses to acknowledge that she has suicidal thoughts.  Lord, please help me understand why you are allowing this to happen. 

The same day I heard about my mom I got a call from Helen who had taken little baby Jeremiah to the Baylor Pediatric AIDS clinic.  Sadly, he tested positive for HIV.  Jeremiah was found at a bus stop in Mbabane when he was only one week old and is now a month old and has been growing and thriving … and now we know he is infected.  It’s like getting a kick in the stomach, but I will still give thanks that El Roi saw Jeremiah and send him to us for love and care.

Life is complicated, and yet simple. Whether praying for my mom or for all the babies at the El Roi baby home, I am reminded that my focus is to be on HIM and Him alone.  I can’t do any more for my mom than I am doing and I can’t do any more for Jeremiah.  I have to do what I can do and leave the rest in HIS capable hands.  His ways are not our ways and His plans are not our plans – and I try to remind myself of this every single day, or else I will go mad trying to fix things that aren't mine to fix. 

Those are some of my thoughts for this week in Swaziland, but keep reading because I want to share some interesting (and terrifying) statistics from a poll take by a Swazi newspaper.  I saw originally in a blog post by Benjamin Verhulst, who is also living in Swaziland.  These will give you a little different perspective of how Swazi’s think and what we are dealing with around us.  

Living in Swaziland is complicated ... and not.



  1. Sorry to say but the answers would be very close to the same in Ghana. Especially outside of the large cities. Most have never been educated to other answers. Keep sharing God's love for each person you come in contact with. Elaine

  2. I'll continue to pray for your mother.....also little Jeremiah. God is faithful, His arm is not shortened!
    Thank you for sharing the survey. It certainly reveals the lack of moral education. I pray your presence there will be "The city on the hill."

  3. wow. i'll help you pray about your Mom, Janine. And little Jeremiah.
    Mark M

  4. Hi Janine,
    I have so enjoyed reading your blogs and "getting to know you". I have heard many great things from friends that know you. My husband Paul Gray is in Swaziland right now at El Shadia. It would be so wonderful if you and your husband could meet him and his fellow labourer James (who has spent quite some time at El Shadai). It seems we have much in common. I have Pauls cell phone number while he is in Swazi if you would like it. Blessings Joanne Gray


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