We have just finished our first full week living in
Swaziland. It was a lot harder
than “planned”. I am a great
planner, and you would think that since I have spent 150+ weeks in Africa over
the past nine years that I would know that things never work out here the way I
plan them, but alas, I had higher expectations, and my own expectations created
a bumping landing here in Swaziland.
First, the good news; if you read my May 23rd
blog you will remember the story of the young girl who gave birth to a baby and
dropped it in the ditch only to be caught by police and put in jail for
abandoning her child. Well, it
didn’t quite happen like that, in fact after the young mother abandoned the baby
she ran away so that the police wouldn’t catch her and put her in jail. The family promised the hospital to
come for the baby, but they never did.
I dropped in to the hospital on my first day here to check on a different
baby (a newborn who had been found in a bag up in a tree) and instead I found
the little one whom we thought had been taken home by the family, as promised. After a good conversation with a very
helpful doctor and a wonderful Social Work Department we were able to bring the
4-month-old baby back to El Roi while the police continue to search for the
mother and/or settle whether the family does want to keep the child or not.
Spencer was with me when we drove in to pick up the baby boy
(who we will call “David” for now since he is not in our permanent care
yet). The Social Worker took us to
her office and we passed by two tiny little bundles sitting on the chair
outside her office. It was a set
of twins, maybe a day old. I asked
the Social Worker what their story was and she told us that the babies’ mother
had been raped by her own father.
The twins were a result of the rape. The man had been charged and was given 27 years in prison,
which is excellent and very uncommon here in Swaziland. Incest is considered private and rarely
goes to public court and is almost never settled in public court, so this is
good news. The Grandmother of the
babies (who could be the mother of the girl or could be another wife of the
man) has offered to raise the babies.
I am not convinced that this will work out, but we will keep tabs on it. Sorry that was all so confusing.

As Ian, Spencer, David and I headed back to El Roi I
received a call from Helen Mulli who said we had just received ANOTHER baby
from a different hospital. The
hospital Social Worker and people from the Social Welfare Department stopped in
unannounced with a little 3-week-old child. His name is Jeremiah and he was found abandoned at a bus
stop in Mbabane at the age of one week.
He had been in hospital for two weeks and now El Roi is his home. We now have seven babies under the age of one year, and they are all doing very well. By all accounts this was a great
start to my first week living in Swaziland.

So why is it then that I let the rest of the week fall
apart? The container we shipped
two months ago had landed here weeks ago with our furniture, clothing, food,
beds, towels, sheets and every other earthly thing we could have shipped, but
was stuck in red tape at customs.
Our house, which we are building on Project Canaan and which was to be
completed in April, is not finished.
After talking, pleading, crying (and some gnashing of teeth) we finally
moved in on Thursday, only to find toilets overflowing (or not working), no hot
water in some rooms, doors with no keys, workers all over the place looking in
windows with no curtains, and worst of all, there is not a single electrical
plug (or mirror for that matter) in ANY of our bathrooms. We have since learned that it is
against fire code to put them in bathrooms in Swaziland. Sigh. I thought I was going to have a stroke. We couldn’t get people to understand the
urgency of getting settled so that we could get on to the work we were here to
do OR to get Chloe in her new school (having showered and with clean clothes!).
Side note: For
those of you in the mission field I know you are cracking up at this, but for
those of you in your comfy homes, a little empathy is much appreciated. J
It was at some point on Thursday, when Lori Marschall and
Jana Franz arrived to help get The Lodge ready for our Summer Interns, that I
realized I was really tired of hearing myself complain. I was also disappointed in myself that
I couldn’t be more “go with the flow” now that I live in Africa and even more
disturbed that all these comforts were so very important to me. It seemed that I am happy to serve
Jesus, but not until all my boxes are unpacked, the toilet works and the shower
has hot water. Oh, I also would
like my fridge to work, the electric fencing to be installed to keep us safe,
maybe a washing machine to wash our clothes, and really, would an electrical
socket and a mirror be too much to ask for in my bathroom? If I had all those things sorted I
could really really serve the Lord and the people of Swaziland better. Sigh.
The scripture tells us that we are to give thanks in all
things. I wasn’t giving thanks for
the beautiful home that we were building.
I wasn’t giving thanks for the people who were trying to help, and I had
quickly forgotten the blessing of having two new little babies. Yes, I am human. Yes, I like nice things and
comfort. And yes, I am
learning. I seem to be a
slow learner, but He is a patient teacher and for that I am thankful.
It is Saturday morning in Swaziland and I am alive. Today is
a new day and I look forward to enjoying the view of the mountains, spending time
with my family and listening for His small voice in the wind.
Thanks for reading.