Saturday, December 27, 2014

The hardest thing I have ever had to do...

Maxwell Family Christmas photo 2014

What is the hardest thing that you have ever had to do?

For the longest time I thought closing my company ONYX Marketing Group in 2004 was the hardest thing I ever had to do, leaving behind influence, ego, wealth and income.

The next hardest thing was when we believed that God wanted us to move to Georgia in 2006 leaving behind my mom, Ian’s family, friends, school and neighbors.

Then there was the move to Africa in 2012 (well, that was an easy one for me because my heart’s desire was to move here), but leaving Georgia meant leaving behind our first-born son (Spencer was 18-years old at the time), not to mention comforts and safety that we have always taken for granted.

Next on the REALLY hard list was taking Chloe to High School in Taiwan (!), with her leaving us behind in Africa, while Spencer was attending University in Georgia.  She really wanted to attend the school and it seemed that ALL indications were that she should go there. That was H-A-R-D, but we knew in our hearts that it was the right decision, and it was.

I want to encourage you, the reader to know that throughout these heart-wrenching, faith-testing, control-breaking decisions, we have always felt the hand of God securely on our lives.

My point is this.  The Lord has asked our family to do some REALLY hard things in the past 10- years and He might be asking you and your family to make some hard decisions in 2015.  I am writing this last blog of the year to bear witness and say that I am SO THANKFUL that we didn’t say “no” to God because we loved our lifestyle in Canada or the comfort and safety of Georgia more than we loved Him. 

I am writing to say that there is life after obedience.  And it’s life that is “exceedingly and abundantly greater than we could ask for or imagine”. 

In the back of my bible I have written, “Obedience precedes understanding”.  That is a statement that has had a huge impact on my life and I hope it will on yours too.

I was just at the toddler home celebrating Gabriel and Rose’s 4th birthday.  While I cheer and sing with them, my throat always almost closes shut with the thought of where they might be if we had stayed within the comfort and security of Canada or the US.  I have no doubt that God could have brought someone else to rescue these 84 babies, but the Maxwell family would have lost out on the gift that has been given to us because of our obedience.

Happy 4th birthday Rose and Gabriel. I am so thankful that you are in our lives.
A purse for Rose and a hat for Gabriel.
Don’t miss out on His amazing gifts this year because you are afraid.  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Live from Swaziland … Happy New Year everyone.


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