Saturday, April 26, 2014

Fully self-sustainable by 2020? A dream or a reality?

It is late evening in Swaziland and early afternoon in Austin, Texas where I am writing this blog.  It would have been a Saturday morning blog if I had written it before leaving Las Vegas this morning, but it still wouldn't have been Saturday morning in Africa.  Traveling across time zones can be very confusing and exhausting and while I love my time here with family and friends in North America, I do miss my quiet house on the mountaintop in the middle of nowhere Swaziland.
Janine and Captain Jerry Coffee
Yesterday was the annual Heart for Africa Board meeting and it was great to spend time with people who love and support us through the dark days and the good days.  And also yesterday seemed like a breakthrough day.  We presented our goal to be completely self-sustainable by the year 2020, meaning that we will not need any donor funds for operating costs at Heart for Africa in Swaziland.  It seems that everyone talks about becoming self-sustaining, but I seldom read of organizations actually achieving that goal.  And it's not an easy goal to achieve!  In fact some would ask why we would want to work extra hard to do this when we have donor support that is helping us day to day. The answer is because we believe we CAN do it!  And who knows, there may be a day not it far away when people don't want to give money to help in Africa anymore or they find other areas as of greater need or they don't have the disposable income to give.  Whether donations continue or not, we still have 52 (and growing) children that we are responsible to care for for many years and thousands who depend on us for income and food.  

Wolfgang and Marion Buehler

Our plan is big and comprehensive and it will take a lot of people and sizeable investment.  We will launch a Capitol Campaign in the weeks to come, but to think that we could grow enough food, milk enough cows, make enough jewelry, sell enough carpentry etc. to provide for everyone at Project Canaan is incredibly exciting.  And in only 5.5 short years! As my friend, Francis, in Taiwan says, "If it's God's will, it's Gods bill". We believe that to be true.  We have no idea how we will raise the money, but we know for certain that if The Lord wants this done, He will bring the people to us who have the money and it will happen in His timing. We look forward to the next part of this journey that we are calling "The Journey to sustainability".  

Ann Williams and Ian

We have witnessed miracle after miracle over the past five years as we have seen Project Canaan develop and we look forward with great anticipation (and child-like excitement) to the next five years.  Please message me if you are being called to help kick off this Capitol Campaign.  

In the meantime please buy a block (or 10 or 100) to hello us make room for more children who are orphaned or abandoned.  Everyone can be a part of this new project.  Click here to get involved:

Live From Austin... We are going to a Texas BBQ with two of our dearest friends in the he world - Susan Page and Captain Jerry Coffee.  Yee-haw!

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