Greetings from Eswatini!
It’s been almost three years since I have posted a blog on this site, and yet I see there are still a lot of people reading it, which makes me so happy! Thank you for reading and sharing. Ian and I have been living in Eswatini for almost 13 years and the highs have been high and the lows very low, but God has been with us every day and has never failed us.
For my blog followers, I’m writing to share with you that I am now a contributor to the SHARE HOPE blog at the Heart for Africa blog site and I would like to have you come on over and check out that site. I continue to share stories of the day-to-day challenges of living and working in Eswatini. The raw truth of injustice to freedom, death to life, and despair to hope.
Today I am going to tell you about a little baby named Liam.
Liam came to us when he was 5-weeks-old. He was premature, arriving at only 31 weeks, so technically he was 36-weeks when he came to us. He is a really little guy and has a really huge umbilical hernia. Once he was a few months old we planned to take him to the hospital to see if they could do early surgery on it, but instead he got a bad chest infection and needed immediate hospitalization for his lungs.
A couple of days after he was admitted our Auntie (who goes and stays with the baby) reported that his toe was turning dark black, and that there were large bubbles of something on his ankle. It is thought that it may have been caused by a problematic IV, which had been removed. The toe was looking bad (graphic photo below) and we feared the worst – possible toe or food amputation if it continued.
We prayed, our team prayed and we waited for a change. A week later the toe was starting to “pink up” on the bottom, so we thought we might only lose the top of it, which was clearly dead. He was discharged and came home to heal. A week later I was notified that there was pus coming out of the bottom of the toe in different little pockets.
To read what happened next, please go to Share HOPE and hear the rest of the story, and be able to read all my future blogs. This one is going back on break 😊.
Please join me in helping Share HOPE around the world.
Live from Eswatini… it’s Saturday morning!