Today I witnessed a miracle. Yes, another one.
From time to time the police and social welfare ask us to
help out with young girls who are pregnant and don’t want or can’t keep their
babies when born. The situations
are always very complicated and we hesitate to get involved, but know that in
the end we are likely preventing a baby being dumped in a pit latrine or left
on the side of the road.
Today one of “my girls” gave birth to a beautiful 3.6kg (7.9
lb) baby girl, but not without giving us all a scare. She was 42 weeks pregnant and had some complications. When I
have pregnancy concerns, I always direct the girls to go to a wonderful
missionary gynecologist who will see them immediately and help.
Today at 8:30 AM she was wheeled in to the theater (surgical
room) to have a C-section and I was robed and masked to go and hold her hand
and assure her that everything would be okay. The Doctor had her instruments in hand, closed her eyes, and prayed. It was incredible to watch and then feel God's presence at that moment. As the doctor pulled the baby out she saw that the umbilical
cord was wrapped around her little neck. She quickly unwrapped the cord and
then told us that it was double wrapped. This unwrapping seemed harder and we
could see that the baby was blue.
The cord was cut and the baby was whisked away to the next
room. I crawled under the oxygen tubes in my white rubber boots and green
scrubs and followed behind. The
baby was indeed blue and they gave her oxygen and started to aspirate stuff out
of her mouth and nose. Within about ten minutes she “pinked up” and started to
make her arrival known.
It was explained to me that with the umbilical cord double
wrapped around her neck, her 42 weeks gestation and very low amniotic fluid,
that the child most likely have died if she had tried to deliver
Several hours later baby Noelle arrived home at Project
Canaan and the young girl will rest and start the healing process in a private
hospital. It is funds from my
Compassion Purse that allow me to make the call on taking a teenager to a
private hospital when that care is absolutely necessary. So, for those of you
who have given to my Compassion Purse fund, please know that you saved at least
one life today, maybe two.
It looks like her hands are praying. |
Noelle was given her name in memory of Noelle Crea Koosman,
the daughter of our friends Rose and Mark Crea (CEO of Feed My Starving
Children) who lost her fight to cancer a few months ago. We pray a special blessing on baby
Noelle and ask the Lord to send his peace and joy to the Crea/Koosman family
Live from Swaziland … I stand in awe of our maker, creator
and healer.